Golfers earn a fabulous amount from their careers. It is one of the most popular sports in the USA and Europe.
Not only is golf one of the oldest sports in the world, but it is also considered a rich man's game. It draws a lot of attention from people because of the luxurious lives of the players and the amazing prize money.
Golfers are the wealthiest athletes in the world, and here is a list of the top 10 richest golfers.
Tiger Woods, who has won 15 major championships and 82 PGA Tour events, is the richest golfer in the world, being the only golfer to touch the billion mark.
In 2022, Tiger Woods' net worth reached a milestone of $1.1 billion. Noticeably, he has been the highest-earning athlete for many years.
Unsurprisingly, the CEO of LIV Golf is on the list of the richest golfers. His estimated net worth is around $400 million, thanks to his golfing career and, of course, his business, which helped him to garner such an astonishing net worth.
Norman is also known for his charitable work and was awarded the Golf Writers Association of America's Barlett Award in 2008.
Phil Mickelson lost millions because of his infamous gambling habits. However, the American still manages to register his name among the richest golfers in the world.
As of 2023, his estimated net worth is around $400 million. Mickelson made a fortune in 2022 after signing a lucrative contract with LIV Golf that has added a significant amount to his wealth.
With 18 major titles, Jack Nicklaus holds the record for winning the most major titles in the world. The golf legend's career spun over two decades, and he earned a whopping amount from it.
With an estimated net worth of $400 million, Nicklaus is one of the richest golfers in the world.
According to several outlets, Gary Player's reported net worth is approximately $250 million.
Gary is known for his exceptional golfing skills and was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2021.
Current World No. 1, Rory McIlroy, has made a tremendous amount from his career, endorsements, and investments.
The Northern Ireland golfer's estimated net worth is around $170 million, and he is the youngest player to earn €10 million on the European Tour.
Fred Couples, known for his accurate driving ability, is one of the richest golfers in the world. Fred is not only among the most successful golfers in the world but also one of the wealthiest, with a net worth of $120 million.
He amassed a whopping net worth from his business and investments, and of course, his career earnings played a vital role in uplifting his net worth.
American golfer Jordan Spieth is one of the most popular golfers in the world.
His successful career has added a significant amount to his wealth, and as of 2023, his net worth is around $115 million.
Ernie Els, a native of South Africa, is among the wealthiest golfers in the world with an estimated net worth of $85 million.
Els is one of six golfers to have won the US Open and The Open Championship twice.
Vijay Singh's career and endorsements have brought in $75 million for him. He is the first golfer of South Asian descent to win a major championship.
Vijay Singh won the PNC Championship in 2022 while playing alongside his son, Qass Singh.
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