Activision patent reveals how SBMM works in Call of Duty

Call of Duty publisher Activision apparently has a patented design for the matchmaking system and details some crucial points that construct the concept of Skill Based Match Making (SBMM) for improved player satisfaction. However, the idea of including it in most Call of Duty titles has been a debatable topic in the community, with some players for it and others against it.

Most recent Call of Duty titles, like the 2022 series and the ones before it, had some level of SBMM ingrained in the matching system. This system is important for online multiplayer titles as it can fine-tune the overall gameplay experience and provide a challenging but fun environment for players to grow and create highlight moments.

This article will highlight Activision’s patented design for matchmaking in Call of Duty titles.

How does SBMM work in Call of Duty?

The Skill Based Match Making (SBMM) system was developed to help players enjoy multiplayer titles like the Call of Duty series without being at the bottom of the scoreboard at all times. The working directive of this system is fairly straightforward and can be understood with the below listed key points.

  • SBMM gauges different variables and translates them to one entity that measures the player's performance in one or over a set of online matches.
  • If the performance metric falls below a certain safety value, the matchmaking system places the individual in a lobby with players of similar performance numbers. This allows users to regain their confidence and steadily increase their individual skill levels without creating a one-sided lobby.
  • If the performance metric rises, the individual will be placed in a better lobby to challenge them further and observe the highest skill ceiling the player can reach or surpass. This is a great opportunity for competitive players to play in a high-skill lobby and improve their gameplay.
  • Meanwhile, casual players would always bounce around a set of different lobbies, making most matches engaging and fun alongside some challenging ones.

It is important to note that SBMM is a complex system and calculates a long list of variables like total time spent in the game in a single session. This is done for players to be placed in a lobby that can retain their attention while providing an opportunity to become better.

Will Modern Warfare 3 have SBMM

Activision has not mentioned the presence of SBMM in its upcoming multiplayer shooter title. However, a skill-based system was present in the game throughout the beta phases. At the time of writing this article, there is no confirmation that Modern Warfare 3 will arrive with a proper SBMM system to fine-tune and balance the lobbies.

If the developer chooses to ingrain such a process in the game, it can potentially shake the player base. This would primarily affect the casual player base, who prefer playing the game just for fun and not for a constant need to compete for the wins.

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